A trip to Kisumu

“A thousand shillings won’t buy you a car,” they said. But that wasn’t going to stop this group of friends from their next adventure. With a girls’ trip planned for two days and one night, they were ready to dive into the vibrant Kisumu nightlife and catch a break from the daily hustle of motherhood. This was their time to reconnect and relax without the clamor of kids.

They decided to stick with the van for this trip but were already dreaming of a future journey in a luxurious Rover. Dressed in shorts, t-shirts, and comfy shoes, with Maasai shukas in tow, they were all set for a fun-filled escape. I could already sense that this Kisumu trip was going to be memorable.

We set off early in the morning, and as the photographer captured the winding roads, excitement buzzed in the air. The van was soon filled with laughter and stories—embarrassing campus moments, breakups, baby showers, and bridal showers. Sleep was a distant memory.

Check-in at the hotel was smooth. The girls were thrilled with their rooms, and after a quick breakfast, it was time to start the adventure.

Our first stop was the Kisumu Museum, where we explored Western Kenya’s rich cultural history. From the traditional Luo homestead to fascinating artifacts, the museum offered a deep dive into the region’s heritage. Carol, however, had to make a quick exit from the reptile and amphibian section due to her phobia of snakes—proving that even the bravest among us have their limits.

Lunch by the lake was a treat. The cool breeze and delicious fish made for a perfect afternoon. Next up was the Kisumu Impala Sanctuary. The girls marveled at the rare sitatunga antelopes and enjoyed spotting various animals, including impalas, cheetahs, giraffes, and buffalos. They chose to walk and bird-watch instead of taking the glass-bottomed boat rides, savoring the tranquil environment.

As the day drew to a close, we headed to Hippo Point near Dunga. The sunset was a spectacular show of orange melting into purples and blues. The girls were mesmerized by the sight, their faces glowing with excitement as the city lights began to twinkle below.

The following morning, the lake was calm, perfect for a boat ride. The group was thrilled to see giant otters, monitor lizards, and a variety of bird species. But the highlight was undoubtedly witnessing the sunrise—a magical moment etched on their faces.

Our final destination before heading home was Kit Mikayi, the legendary crying stone that resembles a woman with a load on her back. The stone is steeped in myths, but our goal was to reach the top and enjoy a picnic with a view.

Another successful trip, another set of cherished memories. The group was already planning their next adventure. Mohrale continues to be the go-to for customized travel experiences that offer unparalleled enjoyment. What are you waiting for? Book your trip with Mohrale and make your own unforgettable memories.

Mohrale—let’s travel the world.

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