Masai Mara Bush Safaris with Mohrale Tours & Travel

It’s time to take another vacation. Time to change the air I breathe.

My best friend and I booked a private safari with Mohrale tours and travel. We opted for the tour van and their rates were affordable. This means time to exhale and enjoy life.

The Masaai warriors were the first sight to greet us. They looked really great in their red shukas and tire shoes popularly known as akalas. Their spears glinted in the sun and I would have given anything to touch the swords holstered on their belts. Their hair had red ochre in them.

The check in was really seamless. The staff at the hotel were really welcoming and jovial. I was exhausted and so was Trish but we were excited for the next day.

Dinnertime meant buffet time. There was a vegan option and meat in plenty for those who love meat. The dessert was to die for. If you have a massive sweet tooth like me. If this is the food they served; I could live here forever.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard the crickets chirping. I heard cackles from the hyenas and for a second I thought I heard a lion roar. Fear crippled me for a minute; I knew though that security was topnotch. I slept off to the music of the wild.

“Chebet,switch off that thing!” Trish grumbled.

“We have breakfast in the wild plus watching the sunrise ” I told her.

“God, why did you give me a solist for a friend?” She complained as she got out of bed.

We dressed in cargo pants, tshirts,boots,hoodies and had our Masaai shukas draped on our shoulders for warmth.

Our tour van had eight people in total. I prayed that they’ll be fun . The few stars that littered the semi-dark sky looked very beautiful. I could not even begin to explain the joy it brought my heart.

We caught sight of a few animals and the lead guide Jackson promised us that we will get sight of many more in the Masai Mara national reserve

I loved the table setting in the wild. The sun had started to rise. She looked so majestic as she rose. She made the sky look so beautiful in its different colors that ranged from hues of orange,blue and purple. If I could wake up to the sight of this everyday, I would be grateful .

The food smelled so great and it tasted even better.

Adventure time called. Time to see the big five. I really prayed to see the elephant. With it being the rainy season you could see the lushness of the land and the green was so beautiful. There was a herd of zebras grazing and some antelope and gazelles. The herd dispersed in fright and speed. Then we saw a leopard chasing. The agility and speed surprised us.

The guide’s radio came to life and we heard that a rhino had been spotted .  We headed to the direction he had been given. On the way we saw warthogs and they looked really ugly.

Unfortunately we did get to see the rhino but it got even better. We saw a herd of elephants. They were of different sizes and ages.

Did you know that the elephants are led by a matriarch. This means that once a male elephant is of age they are driven off the herd.Their ears were so huge. Their tusks are so huge.

” If an elephant chases you, run downhill. That way,their ears will cover their eyes and that way they will be running blind.” The guide told us.

“The elephant also is an emotional animal. They mourn the death of one of them. They even bury their dead by covering them with sticks and twigs. It is even said they cry.” He continued.

I never knew that an animal could have that kind of emotional quotient.

I could watch the elephants for the whole day but our drive had to continue. A pride of lions lay down under a bush. We could see some stretching and others were grooming themselves. Their brown coat of fur looked really beautiful. I could see one yawning and prayed that I never have to encounter a hungry lion.

As we headed to our picnic site I felt grateful that I had gotten this chance to relax and to enjoy God’s creations.

We heard the sound of the drums but it was not the drums. It was a cacophony of anxious wildebeests making a perilous journey across the Mara river. I held my breath hoping that none would be caught by the crocodiles.

“The Mara river is the only permanent source of water all year long. The wildebeest migrates between  July and August. It’s one of the seven natural wonders of the world.” The guide told us.

I yawned by the bonfire feeling exhausted but grateful. I knew the next day carried more adventure,more laughter and good food.

I would book with Mohrale tours and travel because they had exceeded my expectations.

Mohrale Tours and Travels- Let’s travel the world.

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